The Lake George Land Conservancy Purchases 500 Acres in Bolton

The Lake George Land Conservancy closed on the purchase of nearly 500 acres of ponds, marshes and forests in the uplands of Bolton Landing. The property, located between Padanarum and Trout Falls Roads, as well as a portion lying to the west of Trout Falls Road, will be opened to the public with hiking trails and pond access this summer. (Photo at right: a section of the beaver pond within the Padanarum property.)

The LGLC purchased the property for $500,000 from a conservation buyer, who held the land until LGLC was able to finalize the purchase. Funding for the deal will be provided through two grants: a State Environmental Protection Fund (EPF) grant from the New York Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, which was awarded to LGLC in 2007 for this acquisition, and a Federal North American Wetlands Conservation Act grant.

The Bolton property includes the headwaters for Indian Brook and contains important wildlife habitat within its large, unfragmented forest and wetland complexes. Protecting this fragile property prevents excess nutrients and sediments from flowing into Indian Brook and Northwest Bay.

The LGLC is thrilled that this acquisition has finally come to fruition. Protection of this property will assure that the headwaters of Indian Brook will remain clean and wild, which will protect the drinking water quality of Lake George. This is a wilderness treasure and a gift to the future of incalculable value, and the LGLC thanks the many people who worked to make the acquisition possible.

LGLC staff and volunteers will create hiking trails this summer for passive recreation, exploration and education, as well as place a kiosk on the land that will help visitors learn of the many types of wildlife that use the land for mating, nesting and habitation. The northern pond will remain as a wilderness area, accessible primarily by canoe or a wood’s trail where visitors can enjoy the rare experience of wilderness in Bolton Landing.