Dresden Board Meeting: Monday Sept. 12th

Recently, I learned about a letter, which I do not have a copy of, which states that at this month’s regular Dresden town board meeting on Monday, Sept 12th at 7:05 PM, the town has scheduled a hearing regarding a request for an “after-the-fact” variance from the Huletts Island View Marina for modifications done to their main building in 1995.

The letter goes on to anticipate a variance will be granted. The town will allow limited public comment at the hearing. If a person cannot attend they can submit written comments but the town is requesting that 6 copies must be delivered prior to the meeting.

The Bluff Head Residential Ordinance was enacted in 1971 and provides that all property located within the Bluff Head residential area “shall be used only for single, private family residential purposes, and non-profit recreational purposes.”

I cannot provide any more information, because I have not seen the original letter nor do I have any facts regarding the ordinance in question.