Down But Not Out

Irene Update

as of Monday Morning:

Power & Phones Out
Lands End & Bluff Head Closed
Eichlerville Bridge Closed
Numerous Trees Down

Update: 7:00 pm – Monday

Bluff Head Road – Now Passable – Some Debris on County Section / Town Section Clear
Lands End Road – Now Open Tree Cleared
Chase Road – Now Open
Eichlerville Bridge – Work Scheduled for Tuesday
Power & Phone – Still Out

Update 4:30 pm – Tuesday

Power has been partially restored to some of the Landing / 174 homes still without power.
Phones still out
Eichlerville Bridge – Work Continuing Throughout Today

Message from National Grid:

National Grid continues to make significant progress with restoration efforts from Hurricane Irene. 38 hours after the storm passed through our area, we have restored power to nearly 650,000 customers and expect to have restoration estimates for all communities by end of day. The biggest storm in decades rendered many towns and communities without power and, at its peak, we had more than one million customers out. We are using all resources at our disposal, including amphibious vehicles, helicopters and ATVs to access remote and hard to reach areas.

We recognize the inconvenience a loss of power is to our customers and we appreciate your patience as restoration efforts continue.

We want to remind customers to stay safe as the restoration and clean up continues. Many customers are taking advantage of the nice weather to clean up around homes and businesses. Customers are reminded to be extremely cautious when clearing debris near power lines and call us if they see any downed wires.

One Reply to “Down But Not Out”

  1. Thanks for the updates! So difficult to get reports from the landing with no phones or power.
    Very much appreciated!

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