2011 Lecture Series Finishes Strong

Persis Granger’s talk on the Adirondack Railroad at the Mountain Grove Memorial Church on Saturday, was the last lecture of the 2011 summer sponsored by the Friends of Historic Huletts Landing.

Saturday night, August 13th, was the last lecture of the summer (say it ain’t so) sponsored by the Friends of Historic Huletts Landing.

Persis Granger regaled the audience with tales about the Adirondack railroad and other interesting topics:

Chicken farming should be left to professionals.

The long and interesting history of Warren county.

Spoke in-depth about a major head-on historic train collision that occurred nearby with over 300 children on board.

The new Saratoga/North Creek railroad which travels between Saratoga and North Creek. You can learn how to buy tickets for a day excursion and more at www.SNCRR.com.

Many thanks to FHHL for sponsoring these talks, our entertaining and fun speakers (some of whom traveled from far distances to bring their expertise to Huletts) and the many people who turned out to hear them!

Visit the Huletts Current often throughout the “off-season” to hear about what interesting speakers are scheduled for 2012.