Bits of Everything

Verizon Cell Phone Service

I’ve heard from a few people that when they called Verizon about the cell tower service, Verizon gives the direct number to tech support, 1-800-483-7356. The agent said there was no work for the area scheduled for the next 6 months but he put in a work order for investigation. In other words, more calls are needed.

Whitehall Graduates Class of 2011

The Whitehall Jr. – Sr High School holds their commencement exercises on Friday, June 24th at 7:00 pm and I was given an invitation (which you can view here).

Friends of Camp Little Notch Raise Funds

Since my May 3rd post on Camp Little Notch I’ve learned that FOCLN has raised more than $150,000 and has done some terrific work on their website! Check out their updated website