Cell Phone Tower Update

A number of people have written to me asking for an update on when the new cell phone tower will “go live” and start relaying cell phone calls to people in Huletts.

This what I can report.

If you are an AT&T customer, AT&T officially is trying to have their cell transmitter working on the tower by July 14th. However, the work appears to be ahead of schedule and it is possible that AT&T customers may be receiving and sending cell phone calls by June 30th.

If you are a Verizon Wireless customer, you need to call customer service at 800-922-0204, go through the prompts and get an agent on the line. (I chose “Tech Support” and kept saying “Agent” to get to a real person.)

You need to request that Verizon Wireless consider co-locating on the Huletts Landing cell tower that was just installed off of County Route 6. My understanding is that it is analogous to a power outage, the more people that call, the quicker they will get to work on getting their customers service.

I will report on other carriers as I learn more.

Calling Verizon Wireless. Can you hear me now? Only if you get your equipment on the new tower!