Out But Not Down

Wow what a week it’s been!

This past week has been crazy, with numerous back end problems with the Huletts Current. It’s been a frenzied few days while I’ve sorted through blog forums, web server hosting issues and numerous other glitches to bring the site up again.

My policy has always been that if the Current is experiencing technical issues I will post some type of notice so you will know what’s happening.

What resulted this past week was mind boggling confusing and probably the most difficult week I’ve had technically since I began the Huletts Current. The site stayed up for most of the week, but database issues prevented me from logging in and changing any content. I was basically locked out. I have numerous ways in which I can log on but all failed this past week, resulting in the last story I posted below on Tuesday being at the top of the blog for a complete week. Multiple contingencies had to be tested before isolating the problem.

So please accept my apologies. News has become a bit backed up while I’ve dealt exclusively with getting the blog back up and running smoothly. Now that things seem to be resolved, news will start flowing again.