LGA Launches New Website and Facebook Page

The Lake George Association has launched a new website and Facebook page for LGA members, educators, local residents and tourists. Both the website (www.lakegeorgeassociation.org) and Facebook page (www.facebook.com/LakeGeorgeAssociation) provide accurate and current information on the watershed, its ecosystem, and the environmental programs that protect the Lake.

“The scope of content on the new website is quite broad,” said LGA Communications Coordinator Lynne Rosenthal. Homeowners can learn about lake-friendly landscaping and septic systems. Tourists can request a reservation on the Floating Classroom. Potential volunteers can download training materials to become an LGA Citizen Scientist. Teachers can plan an LGA stream monitoring field trip, or find lesson plans and information on native and invasive flora and fauna. The status of lake-saving infrastructure projects underway and completed around the watershed is also detailed, from sediment ponds and streambank remediation, to delta removal and shoreline restoration. LGA publications, presentations and events are also posted on the site, and people who want to support lake protection efforts can join the LGA online or make a donation.

“In order to protect Lake George, two key things have to happen,” said LGA Executive Director Walt Lender. “First, people must appreciate just how unique, beautiful and special our Lake is. Second, we must provide easy- to-understand, current information that motivates people to keep Lake George clean and clear. As the nation’s oldest lake protection non-profit, the public trusts and relies on the LGA to provide balanced and accurate information. Both our new website and Facebook presence support these efforts.”

“On the Facebook page, the LGA will seek to create a community of caring people who love the Lake for its unequaled natural beauty and outstanding recreational opportunities, as well as those who depend upon a pristine Lake for their livelihoods,” said LGA Communications Coordinator Lynne Rosenthal. “We will encourage our Facebook fans to share what they are doing to protect Lake George, and we will post late-breaking environmental news, as well as invitations to participate in events and programs,” she said.

A key partner in producing the website, Mannix Marketing of Glens Falls created the infrastructure and navigation for the site and provided extensive in-kind services and support for its development.