Bits of Everything

Volunteers Sought to Monitor Spawning Migrations tells you how to become involved monitoring smelt populations.

Albany TV Station Shows Huletts

The Adirondack Outdoors blog, tells us that an Albany television station ran some pictures of Huletts.

New Rules to Help Adirondack Lakes

Denton Publications reports on new federal rules to limit mercury emissions.

Where Did Lake George’s Name Come From

The Lake George Mirror Magazine talks toponomy and Lake George.

Warren County Boat Patrols May Be Saved

The Post Star tells us that Warren County got some good news last week.

Trout Season Begins: DEC Urges Caution

WNBZ advises that cold conditions have led to a DEC warning.

How to Give a Good Slap: Courtesy of Rachael Ray

Susan Lucci visited ‘Rachael Ray’ to school the audience on how to give a proper soap opera slap.