Bits of Everything

Whitehall Over $16,000 Per Pupil

The Post Star details cost per student in numerous nearby school districts. Read part way down the article to see info on Whitehall.

Senator Little Sees Influence Grow

Denton Publications takes a look at Senator Little’s growing influence in Albany.

Governor Cuomo Threatening Shutdown

The NY Post tells us that things in Albany are so bad, Governor Cuomo is threatening a shutdown.

Medicaid Reform Hearing in Queensbury

Recently, I sat down with a doctor, a dentist and a pharmacist and got an earful on how bad Medicaid fraud is. The Wall Street Journal gives the list of Medicaid reform hearings and one is being held in Queensbury on February 3rd.

Heading to Other Constellations

The Baltimore Sun reports on Voyager 1’s 33 year trip to the edge of our solar system on its way to the constellation Camelopardalis — the Giraffe.