Bits of Everything

Think Tank: NY Pension Costs Could Explode

The NY Post presents an analysis of where pension costs are going.

Top Aide to Gov: Saratoga closure ‘definite possibility’

The Capitol Confidential Blog speaks about Saratoga’s possible demise.

NJ Gov Talks Tough to Paterson

“I have a bridge to sell you”, takes on a new meaning for NJ gov, Chris Christie. So says

Republicans Take NY Senate, Claim Cuomo is One of Them.

Dean Skelos shares some thoughts about being the new Majority Leader in the next NY state legislative session. Read the NY Post.

When the Gold Cup Came to Lake George

The Adirondack Almanack presents a great piece on the Gold Cup on Lake George.

Have Some Turtles? Here’s a Great Practical Joke

The Encyclopedia of Science recounts a practical joke played with some turtles.

Flying for the Holidays?

Then Cargo Collective wear has some gift ideas for you. (Warning: contains graphic images.)