Divers Pick Weed

Scuba divers working for Lycott Environmental install barriers over a small milfoil bed off of Huletts.

This morning I took a short kayak ride out to some scuba divers who I spotted in the bay. It turns out they work for Lycott Environmental, a company that has been hired by the Lake George Park Commission to work on eradicating Eurasian water milfoil from the lake.

Eurasian water milfoil was accidently introduced to North America from Europe and spread westward into inland lakes primarily by boats and also by waterbirds. It is an invasive species in Lake George.

This particular bed had been worked on last year and has responded well.

“Last year we put a barrier down and this year almost all the milfoil is gone,” said one of the workers. “We see a little growth around the edges, but we hand harvested last week and now we’re adding some more barriers. We really see an improvement in this particular bed from last year.”

Here is a picture of a strand of milfoil, for those unfamiliar with what it looks like.

Thank you Lycott Environmental and Lake George Park Commission.