Dates LGA’s Floating Classroom Will Be in Huletts

The Lake George Association’s Floating Classroom will visit Huletts Landing twice during the summer of 2010, courtesy of the Friends of Historic Huletts

The Floating Classroom teaches over 1,000 area students, adults and visitors each season, providing hands-on activities about lake ecology, geology and stewardship. In 2009 the LGA purchased a new 40-foot custom-built catamaran boat and outfitted it with water quality measurement tools, including Secchi disks, plankton nets and other lake monitoring equipment. Schools, youth groups, adult groups and tour groups are invited on board for programs customized to their interests.

It is scheduled to make two stops in Huletts this summer: Saturday July 10th at 2 pm and again on Monday August 2nd at 2 pm.

I will have more details on how to sign-up for boarding the Floating Classroom in the next two weeks. Please do not contact the Lake George Association for sign-up information. Both of these events are sponsored by the Friends of Historic Huletts and more information regarding sign-ups will be forthcoming soon.