Floating Classroom to Visit Twice This Summer

The Lake George Association’s Floating Classroom will visit Huletts Landing twice during the summer of 2010, courtesy of the Friends of Historic Huletts.

I’m pleased to announce that the Friends of Historic Huletts have arranged for the Lake George Association’s Floating Classroom to visit Huletts twice this upcoming summer. For those unfamiliar with this great program, it is literally a boat which serves as a “floating classroom” where individuals can learn more about the lake’s ecology.

It is a great day for young and old, where one can learn about the unique nature of Lake George and what can done to preserve the lake. The boat can hold up to 40 people and will visit once in July and once in August. I will post further details as we get closer to the summer. Thank you Friends of Historic Huletts for arranging for this great summer program.

To read more about the LGA’s new floating classroom, read the LGA’s flyer here.