Opinion: Huletts Should Consider Fire/Rescue Boat

Bolton’s fire/rescue boat at dock this past summer. Many fire departments around the lake have fire/rescue boats in the event of an emergency.

While it may be winter, here is something to think about. Huletts Landing has numerous miles of shoreline on Lake George, with many waterfront homes difficult to get to. One piece of equipment that would be helpful in the event of a fire on the lake would be our own fire/rescue boat. The number of homes along town’s lakeshore, and the growing needs for water protection for recreational boaters, are the essential reasons why a fire/rescue boat should be considered.

Some of the homes in Huletts are quite difficult to reach by land and in many cases it would be quicker to bring a boat around the lakeside of a house in the event of a fire.

Additionally, unlike the ability for victims to run from a burning building, those fleeing a burning boat can quickly fall victim to drowning and fatigue until they are safely on board a vessel.

The town of Hague purchased a fire/rescue boat last year and while it is certainly an extra precaution, in a town such as ours, it is certainly something worth considering.

Here is a video of a fireboat in action that I found on YouTube.
