Email to the Editor

December 1, 2009

Sen. Betty Little
Albany Office
506 Legislative Office Building
Albany, NY 12247

Re: NYS Budget

Dear Senator Little:

The purpose of my letter is to voice my concerns regarding the financial situation facing our state and the failure of the legislative body to do anything to help solve these problems.

From all I can gather from the TV news and local newspaper, either the legislature doesn’t believe there is a financial crisis and/or budget deficit or they are just not capable of dealing with it. What a shame! Governor Patterson finally gets it, but not our elected State Legislatures.

While I fully understand that your party (Republican) no longer controls the State Senate, it would seem to me that you all represent the state of New York and would do what is best for the state and all taxpayers. You do represent taxpayers and this is our State and, more importantly, our tax dollars.

Though I understand no legislator ever wants to cut services or in fact anything, I find your position on school aid rather naïve. A week or so ago, I saw an interview you gave to a local TV station where you said you could not support cuts to school aid at mid year because it would be devastating to schools. I find that very interesting and would like to know on what you base your premise.

From all reports that I have seen regarding school districts that you represent, none of the proposed cuts were drastic, averaging overall to be about (2 {two} or 3 {three} percent. What percentage increase did they originally receive this school year from funding sources?? I am sure, way more than that.

Second, do you have any knowledge of the fund balances and the reserve funds these school districts have available? If not, you might be quite surprised. Would it be out of the question to ask the school districts to use some of these fund balances and reserve funds during these difficult times as they certainly have no intentions of giving these surpluses back to local taxpayers.

While I know that nothing I say will change your or any other legislator’s position but I know come budget time next year, the biggest lobby in Albany (United Federation of Teachers) will be at your door urging further increases in state aid to schools. You will vote another increase just like what has happened year in and year out, never taking in consideration the excessive amount in cost per student or the lack of significant test score improvements, of which there are virtually none to speak of.

The legislators will just increase state funding. Local districts willl negotiate pay increases for administrators and teachers while the local taxpayers will get little or no raises (if they even have a job) and little or no increased statistical educational results for their children. Is there something wrong here, Senator Little?

In closing, I just want to let you know, I am not anti-education as I served on a local school board for 20 (twenty) years and worked very hard at doing what was best for the students. I am just concerned that throwing money at education is not the answer.

Maybe it is time to say, show me some positive results and I will have serious consideration for an increase in school aid. Until then, make do with the status quo.

Very truly yours,