In a surprise move early Saturday morning, the House Rules Committee, approved rules for debate on the health care bill. Included was an amendment to allow a vote to remove abortion funding.
The committee okayed a Rule that allows the House to vote on the Stupak amendment, offered by pro-life Rep. Bart Stupak, a Michigan Democrat, to the health care reform legislation. Stupak claimed to have approximately 40 Democrats who threatened to vote against the Rule and the bill if he did not get a vote on his amendment. I wanted to make sure I could represent Congressman Murphy’s view accurately on this important vote.
The health care bill, HR 3962, would fund abortions in two ways — by allowing the public option (or government-run health care program) to pay for abortions and by allowing the affordability credits the government would give to consumers to be used to pay for health care plans that fund abortions.
I contacted Rep. Scott Murphy’s office on Saturday to inquire if he was one of the 40 Democrats who were supporting the Stupak amendment and to inquire which way he intended to vote on HR 3692.
I repeatedly left messages with his communications staff and even went so far as asking the person answering the phones where Congressman Murphy stood on this important issue. No one called me back and no one could state anything about Congressman Murphy’s position. I was referred to his Clifton Park Office where another communication’s person could supposedly answer my question. The number I was referred to didn’t even have an answering machine attached.
You would think that on such an important topic someone on the Congressman’s “communications” staff could communicate something. I’m still waiting for a return call.
Update 10/08/09 6:05 a.m.
The Stupak Amendment passed 240-194. This means that abortion coverage would not be paid for by the federal government and would continue the Hyde Amendment. Congressman Murphy voted against this measure, meaning he wanted abortion coverage to be paid for by the federal government.
This vote cleared the way for conservative pro-life Democrats to support the health care bill, HR 3962, which passed narrowly 220-215. Congressman Murphy voted “No” for final passage. Hopefully his communications office will be able to explain the reasoning behind his vote.