Interview with Town Board Candidate Wayne Barrett

Today, I present my questions to town board candidate, Wayne Barrett, and his responses. He is running for one of the two seats up for election on the town board this year. This concludes my interviews with all the candidates running for the town board.

Could you please tell us about yourself and why you are running for the town board?

“I’m 53-years-old and have lived in Dresden my whole life. I married Elizabeth LeClaire 23 years ago, and we have two teenage daughters: Ashleigh, who is 18 years-old, and Kathyrn who is 15 years-old. I worked for the town highway department back in the mid 70’s and also the county highway department. I now work for the New York State Department of Corrections as a correctional officer. I have been there for 32 years. I’m running for the Town Board because I care about the town and the people who live here. I would work hard to do what is right for the town and the people.”

What do you feel is the biggest issue that the Town of Dresden will face in the next 5 years?

“I feel the biggest issue would probably be the yearly budgets, trying to keep a handle on spending to keep taxes from going too high. Also to see what might be available in aid or grants for the town from county, state or federal levels.”

I understand that you are related to long-serving and recently retired, Town Clerk, Pat LeClaire. Mrs. LeClaire is one of the most widely known people in the Town of Dresden. Has her philosophy of serving the public through elective office influenced you?

“Yes, Pat LeClaire is my mother-in-law. The remarkable job that she did for the town for many years would be a positive influence on anyone who knows her or worked with her. She earned a great deal of respect as town clerk. She did the job to the fullest, dotted every “i” and crossed every “t.” I learned a lot of good things being around her for so many years. She is truly a wonderful lady.”

This year the Town subsidized the Washington County Beach to keep it open. Could you give us your thoughts on what people should expect in the future if you are elected?

“I cannot make any promises. With today’s economy, all towns in the county are feeling the pinch. You can be sure that the town will work hard to keep the County Beach open, if at all possible. In the future, I will work hard on any projects that are important or needed for the good of the town.”

You have lived in Dresden for a number of years and have been involved in civic life. What are some of the things you would share about small town life with those who might be thinking of moving here?

“Having lived in Dresden my whole life has been nice. You have Lake George on the West side of town and Lake Champlain on the East side with beautiful mountains in between. It’s a great place to live and raise a family. If elected, I would work very hard to keep it that way.”