The 5th Town Board Candidate

Previously I had posted the names of the Republican and Democratic nominated candidates for the Dresden Town Board. This year there are two open seats on the Board. Both parties have nominated two candidates. I have posted all 4 of these candidates answers to my questions already.

However, I was recently made aware that there is another candidate running as an Independent. Mr. Wayne Barrett is on the ballot and was unknown to me at the time I sent out my questionnaires. He is the son-in-law of former town clerk, Patricia LeClaire. I recently spoke to Mr. Barrett and gave him a questionnaire to complete. He has assured me he will be returning it to me this week. My policy was that would I post candidate responses in the order they were returned to me. However, because Mr. Barrett was unknown to me when the original questionnaires were mailed out, it is not his fault his questionnaire is the last returned. As soon as I have Mr. Barrett’s answers to my questions, I will post his responses.

Once again, Dresden is fortunate to have 5 qualified candidates running for the two open seats on the Town Board this year.