Interview with Town Board Candidate George Gang

Today, I present my questions to town board candidate, George Gang, and his responses. He is running for one of the two seats up for election on the town board this year.

Could you please tell us about yourself and why you are running for the town board?

“I have been a member of this community for thirty years and have been attending town meetings, on and off, for most of that time. My wife of twenty eight years is a teacher at BOCES in Hudson Falls and I am currently retired. I was a Senior Purchasing Agent for Tyco Healthcare in Argyle for 22 years until the medical device plant moved to Mexico. I have an undergraduate degree in Business Management and a Masters degree in Public Administration. I am currently a full time care-taker for my mother-in-law and a seasonal part-time employee for H&R Block as a tax preparer. I see my role on the town board as a person who will work toward bringing the diverse communities of Dresden together for the betterment of all.”

The first question has to do with taxes. The readers of the Huletts Current are concerned about rising property taxes. The current Town Board has cut taxes 2 years in a row. Will you try to continue this practice? If not, why? If so, what will you cut?

“As for the current level of taxes levied upon the residents of this town I can promise I will do my best not to allow any future increases. I realize that we have very little to say concerning the level of school taxes we now pay to Whitehall due to taxes assessed thru property values. I will work with other towns and our state representatives to make changes in the way our school taxes are assessed. We also need to look into the availability of stimulus funds for projects around the town, possibly to upgrade and repair our town buildings or better cell phone availability. Monies are being made available and if we do not access them they will be spent somewhere else.”

Many residents of Huletts Landing have turned to renting their property in order to afford the exorbitant taxes we pay. What steps should the Town of Dresden take to market and promote Huletts Landing as a popular destination?

“I feel that the marketing of our town, both Lake George and Lake Champlain, is an area that the town has not handled very well. There are many ways, some with little cost, in which Dresden can be positively promoted. For one we should have signs on both the north and south borders of the town on RT 22. We should also have an official town website that is tied into the state tourism website. Fishing on Lake Champlain, water sports on Lake George, historical sites and the Beach at Huletts can all be presented. These can be completed at minimal costs with help from the diverse residents of the town.”

This year the Town kept the Washington County Beach open. Could you give us your thoughts on how things are going with the Town running the beach and what we should expect in the future if you are elected?

“We are currently awaiting a report from the current town board on the status of the town helping to keep the Washington County Beach opened this past summer. I cannot comment on this until this report is issued but I will say that it is imperative that the beach remain opened and maybe we can find some stimulus monies to help keep it opened in the future.”

You have lived in Dresden for a number of years and have been involved in civic life. What are some of the things you would share about small town life with those who might be thinking of moving here?

“I moved up here from the bustling city of New York. Having traveled extensively around the world, both with the Navy and on my own, I found Dresden to be one of the most beautiful places on earth. For the peace and quiet, access to two beautiful lakes, a strong sense of history and all of the friendly people, this town cannot be beaten.”

“Again, thank you for the chance to answer these questions to the voters of Dresden. If anyone would like to discuss these subjects, or any others, any further they can contact me at the phone number below or visit me on Lake Road.”

Thank you,
George D. Gang
39 Lake Road
Whitehall, N.Y. 12887