Interview with Town Board Candidate Carl Sobeck

Today, I present my questions to town board candidate, Carl Sobeck, and his responses. He is running for one of the two seats up for election on the town board this year.

Could you please tell us about yourself and why you are running for the town board?

I moved to Dresden a few years ago and was welcomed by many to this wonderful town. I am the proud father of two daughters and grandfather of one grandson. Today I would like to serve my community by running for the Town Board. I feel a need to be active in town affairs and would like to make a viable impact in my community. In this regard, I refurbished the old Huletts school house and have made it my home. If you would ever like to discuss any issue, stop at the red school house as you come down the mountain into Huletts. I’m always willing to listen to, and help anyone who wants to make our community a better place.

Since you moved to Dresden you have gotten involved in civic life and have volunteered your time for a number of worthwhile causes. What are some of the things you would share about small town life with those who might be thinking of moving here?

I truly believe Dresden is a special place and I will work hard to keep it that way. Since I moved here, I have refurbished my own house, painted the Chapel of the Assumption, helped rehab the old firehouse and donated my time to help build the new firehouse. I am involved in the Huletts Volunteer Fire Co. as the Assistant Fire Chief.

A number of people have told me that they have been impressed with your campaign materials and your forthrightness when campaigning. Could you share these with the Huletts Current and give us your thoughts on what type of campaign you are running.

I believe in running an honest and sincere campaign. I will not engage in mud slinging.

Since you decided to run, you have had some vicious untrue smears spread about you. Has it been a surprise to you that this would happen in a town the size of Dresden and why do you think this person is doing this.

Sadly, I have had an individual spread lies about me. I think this person is uncongenial.

Finally, our readers are concerned about rising property taxes. The current Town Board has cut taxes 2 years in a row. Will you try to continue this practice?

Yes. I am against any tax increases and will vote “NO” to any tax increases. I am running as a fiscal conservative. I will watch over the town budget like it was my own checkbook.

Sincerely submitted,
Carl Sobeck