Interview with Town Board Candidate Joanne Farley

Today, I present my questions to town board candidate, Joanne Farley, and her responses. She is running for one of the two seats up for election on the town board this year.

Could you please tell us about yourself and why you are running for the town board?

I have been a Dresden resident all my life. I have been married to my husband Scott for 19 years and have two children, Kelsey 13 and Ethan 5. I am now a stay at home mom but have previously worked for NYS Department of Corrections at Great Meadow Correctional Facility, Washington County Department of Social Services and North Country Community College.

I am running again for town council to continue to serve my community in a positive and fair and impartial manner. There are things I have started to work on and haven’t had the opportunity to finish and I would like to continue to work on those projects.

You have served on the Town Board for 4 years already and have done many positive things including cutting town taxes 2 years in a row. What would you like to accomplish over the next 4 years if re-elected?

To continue to serve in a positive, fair and impartial manner. I would like to continue to work on making our community a place where people want to be and a place where we are safe. I also want to continue to better our community and keep an eye on wasteful spending and direct those funds to where they are needed.

You are spearheading an effort to establish a children’s playground for local residents which is moving ahead. Could you tell us if there are things that people could do to assist you accomplish this goal?

My biggest problem with this project is finding a location that is central to all. This lack of location and parcel is a big problem as I cannot attempt to gain any kind of funding or grants until there is property secured. I am trying my best to tackle this problem. If and when I find a place, much support with funding and volunteer work will be needed and appreciated from all.

I know as a mother, you are deeply concerned about opportunities for youth. You worked very hard to keep the Washington County Beach open this past summer. For this you should be commended. Could you give us your thoughts on how things are going with the Town running the beach and what we should expect in the future? (Administrator’s correction: My question was improperly stated. The Town subsidizes the operation of the beach. The County operates the beach.)

I think the support of the workers who do an excellent job of maintaining the beach and the help of the county’s Alternative Sentencing program really helped us out this year. Also the support of the residents with donations was a big factor. If this problem with funding arises again next Summer, I feel the support of the people will help us avoid any closings. It is an important area that needs to remain available for all residents of the town, for some of us, it is the only access we have to the beautiful lake, if it were taken away I think it would be a shame and create more problems.

I know you have worked hard to bring people throughout the town closer together. This can be difficult at times because the different areas that make up Dresden sometimes see things differently. What is your vision for the entire town moving forward?

I think we are all capable of getting along and supporting each other. I saw proof of this as stated above with the coming together to keep the beach opened. We are capable of this and feel we can come together on other issues as well. No matter where we live we should work together as a community and support one another. It can be done!!