Enviro Smackdown: Foster Brook on Again

I am happy to report that I just spoke to the Lake George Association and the Foster Brook project is on again. The Town of Dresden will be accepting the dredged materials and while this will add additional cost to the project, the project will be starting within days. No one sees any need for the Adirondack Park Agency to be involved.

The DEC should be amending the dredging permit and any delayed work will get done.

While I will be working on a more complete report in the days ahead, there are some heroes and villains in this story.

Many thanks go out to all of you for contacting the Governor’s office. It did help. Secondly both the Lake George Association and the Town of Dresden deserve worthy praise for their efforts to see this project through. The Town of Dresden understood what was happening and quickly stepped up to the plate. Finally, the DEC understood the importance of this project and was cooperative throughout.

To those sad people at the Adirondack Park Agency, who claim they are “environmentalists” but are nothing more than people unfriendly-elitists, shame on you. You know where you can shove your definition of “waste”. I was told by one official that these so called “environmentalists” “have no credibility left with anyone”. You can expect some eye-opening stories about the hypocrisy of many in this crowd over the next few months.

I’ll have another update soon.