Our Top 10!

Even though our name was misspelled on the Giants media pass when I visited their training camp in Albany in August, the fact that we were given media credentials demonstrates how bloggers have gained status in reporting on the news in the last year alone.

Yesterday we celebrated one year of posts at the Huletts Current. So to recap the last year I thought I would link to the top 10 posts from our first year:

1. Doing it Mountain Dew – Huletts 1980’s
2. Interview with Adam Terry, Baltimore Raven
3. Center for Watershed Protection -Their Backyard
4. The Lost Radio Ad
5. Behind the Plays: NY Giants Training Camp
6. What Exactly is a Catamount?
7. Behind the Scenes of the Today Show
8.Two Great Guys Honored
9.The Mystery of the 1842 Marker
10. The Keough’s & Vice President Biden

Tomorrow, the celebration continues with some out-takes from the videos I shot this past year.