Lecture Enlightens Crowd

John Warren, publisher of the Adirondack Almanack blog, and author of the new book entitled; Historic Tales from the Adirondack Almanack, enlightened the Casino audience on Saturday night with stories about early Huletts life and local history.

If you missed John Warren’s lecture on Saturday night, you missed a good one. John’s talk started with blogging and new media but covered a variety of local history.

He passed on to me a variety of topics for future posts. Topics discussed ranged from the Belden, Burgess and Huletts families, the Millerites, Benson VT where numerous Huletts also settled, Mormon history, and religious intrigue from the mid-1800’s.

I would highly recommend his new book entitled; Historic Tales from the Adirondack Almanack (published by The History Press).

Thanks John for spending the time with us in the Huletts Casino!