Coming Soon: Mandatory Life Jackets

Lightweight, inflatable type III life vests will be all the rage next year, so you may want to buy one soon.

The New York State Legislature, despite its recent dysfunction, has passed a new navigation law which is awaiting the Governor’s signature. Dubbed the “seat belt law for boaters”, it will require mandatory use of a personal flotation device aboard a vessel 21 feet and under.

No longer can a boater just stow a life jacket or cushion in the boat. A Coast Guard approved, type III life vest must be worn at all times.

The new law, if signed by the Governor, will take effect November 1, 2009 and enforcement will start April 1, 2010 and will continue thereafter.

The purpose of the law is to protect coldwater boaters from falling in and dying before anyone knows they’re missing.

That’s right. You will be required to wear a life jacket if you’re on the lake in a boat 21 feet or less, otherwise big brother will get you!