An Interview with the Postmaster

Pam Stragnell wants everyone to know what they can do to support the Huletts Landing Post Office.

Today, I had the chance to talk with Pam Stragnell, who is the Postmaster of Huletts Landing. We talked about our small Post Office and some of Pam’s interests.

“Pam even though you know everyone and everyone knows you, perhaps you could tell us a little bit about yourself?”

Well, I was born and raised in San Francisco. I originally met my husband (Sanford) at Oregon State University. He told me out in Oregon “that there’s this place in New York where the trees and the water are simply beautiful.” I didn’t think that was possible before I came to the lake but I have to say he was right. My first visit to the lake was in 1975 and we moved here in 1978. We have two children. Carol has a degree in sociology and lives with her husband who is stationed at the Naval base in Brunswick, Maine. Our son, Robert just graduated from the Jackie McLean Institute of Jazz at the Hartt School of Music at the University of Hartford. He’s on his way to California to spend some time with his Aunt (Sandy’s sister) who recently lost her husband to a heart attack. It’s been a tough year for our family but the support of the community has been great. I can’t thank everyone enough for all the support they’ve given us.

“I’m sure you get this question a lot, but could you tell our readers what it’s like to spend the winter in Huletts?”

It’s actually fantastic. It is simply beautiful here during the winter. Now that’s not too say that it isn’t hard. What most people don’t realize is how cold it gets. Dealing with such bitter sub-zero cold is difficult. We hybernate but we’re really glad when Spring arrives. I grew up near the Sierra Nevada mountain range (which in Spanish stands for “snowy mountain range”) in California, but it actually gets colder here. That’s what people don’t realize, when it’s cold here, it’s cold.

“Can you tell us what people can do to support the Post Office in Huletts?”

Well the biggest thing they can do is buy stamps. We have a stamps by mail program where you can order stamps and the postage is paid both ways, so it costs you nothing to order or get the stamps. Having a Post Office in a small rural community is a way of life that we don’t want to lose.

“Can you tell us about other services the Post Office in Huletts offers or other things that people should know?”

Well we have PO boxes, we have flat rate express mail which is overnight service and we have priority mail. We can issue money orders and we have all the services that the US Postal Service offers.

What people need to know is that more and more mail sorting is being handled by machines. If your address is correct you will receive your mail faster and it is more efficient. If your address is wrong, your mail will most likely be delayed.

There’s also a big difference between your 911 address and your mailing address. Your 911 address is your physical address where an ambulance will go if you call 911. Be sure that you and your renters know what that address is! Your mailing address is where your mail is sent to. Some people get this confused, but don’t have mail sent to your 911 address.

“Can you tell us some facts about the mail delivery into Huletts?”

Well it comes from Albany via Glens Falls. It’s sorted by 9:30 a.m. every morning and it goes out at 4:00 p.m. during the week in the afternoon.

“Pam, I appreciate you taking the time to do this interview and telling everyone about yourself and the Huletts Post Office. Thanks also for always getting us that mail; rain, snow or shine!”

It’s been fun and remember to tell everyone to buy stamps through the mail when they’re not here!