Sisters Open Soda Fountain for 2009

Joie and Maddie Mackell stand in front of the Huletts Soda Fountain. They want everyone to know they are now open for the 2009 summer season.

I recently had a chance to sit down with Joie and Maddie Mackell as they prepared to open for the summer. This summer will be their family’s 18th consecutive year running the Soda Fountain located on the side of the Huletts Casino.

When asked what they love about working in the Soda Fountain, they answered in unison, “We love the kids so much! They’re the reason we do this.”

While many people know them as the nice sisters who take such good care of the children wanting their favorite ice-cream, Joie is studying education in college and Maddie is pursuing a degree in business. “This is the perfect business for us to run, because both our career interests intersect at the Soda Fountain. There’s simply no better place to spend the summer than in Huletts.”

When asked what flavors of ice-cream are their top sellers, I was surprised to learn a few things about ice cream. “Our top selling flavor is Denali Moose Tracks but Cotton Candy is a big hit with the younger children,” said Joie. “Cookies vs. Peanut Butter is probably right there at # 3,” added Maddie.

In addition to ice cream, the sisters also sell a variety of candy and they even have handmade jewelry.

This summer the Soda Fountain will be open from 6 pm to 11 pm every evening.

So stop by and say hello and get your favorite flavor of ice cream at the same time!