Happy Father’s Day

We would like to wish all the fathers out there a very happy Father’s Day.

I came across this little poem by an unknown author, and if you’re a father you should definitely appreciate it.

The Unreasonable Pa

My Pa, he didn’t go downtown
Last evening after tea,
But got a book an’ settled down
As comfy as could be.

I’ll tell you I was offul glad
To have my pa about,
To answer all the things I had
Been tryin’ to find out.

An’ so I asked him why the world
Is round instead of square;
An’ why the piggies’ tails are curled,
An’ why fish don’t breathe air.

An’ why the moon don’t hit a star,
An’ why the dark is black;
An’ just how many birds there are,
An’ will the wind come back?

An’ why does water stay in wells?
An’ why do June bugs hum?
An’ what’s the roar I hear in shells?
An’ when will Chritsmas come?

An’ why the grass is always green,
Instead of sometimes blue?
An’ why a bean will grow a bean
An’ not an apple too?

An’ then my pa got up – an’, Gee!
The offul words he said.
I hadn’t done a thing, but he
Just sent me off to bed!