A Performance You Don’t Want To Miss

The Lake George Opera Company will present a program of arias from favorite operas at the Mt. Grove Memorial Church on Saturday, June 27th at 7:30 p.m. Admission is $10 with limited seating. Proceeds will go to the Outreach Program of both Huletts churchs and to the Volunteer Fire Company. Call 499-2427 or 499-0233 for tickets a.s.a.p.

The mission of Lake George Opera is to present a diverse opera repertoire, exemplary of the highest artistic quality and accessible to people of all ages, races and cultural backgrounds; to preserve the musical heritage of opera and to promote the creation and presentation of American works; to promote and maintain an Apprentice Artist Program; to foster an understanding and appreciation of opera through education, and to establish and maintain a year-round pleasure throughout our region, including the use of alternate venues.