The School District Election

The Whitehall School District will have an election Tuesday, May 19th between 12:00 noon and 9:00 p.m. in the large group instruction room in the high-school on Buckley Road:

1.) To adopt next years budget.
2.) To elect two (2) members of the school board.
3.) To vote on three (3) propositions:

a.) The purchase of one school bus for $184,000.
b.) To increase the capital reserve fund from $1,500,000 to $3,500,000 and to transfer an excess $500,000 from this year’s general fund to the capital reserve fund.
c.) To grant the Whitehall library $15,000.

Absentee Ballot applications can be applied for at the office of the Clerk of the District on each of five (5) days prior to the election except Saturday & Sunday.

In an effort to cover all of these topics, I will be focusing on school district issues over the next two weeks.