Bits of Everything

Off Roaders Travel the Road Less Traveled

This is an interesting piece from Channel 9 about off-road highway users who drive on ancient town roads through state forest just to keep them open. The DEC doesn’t like this.

National News

Maryland School Boy Builds New Type of Computer

This is such a great story because it’s what makes the U.S. a leader in innovation and technology. A 17 year old Maryland boy has built a computer out of spare parts and a fish tank which uses mineral oil to cool itself after being told it would never work. Why on earth would he want to do it? He just wanted to prove he could. This is the type of device which will most likely lead to other advances in computing. Bravos to young, Brandon Glorioso, who demonstrates first hand where innovation comes from. Read the whole article.

PSA’s on the Swine Flu from the 1970’s

I found this and thought it was applicable today. The only problem is there isn’t a vaccine for the current strain yet. Follow Mom’s advice and wash your hands and use a tissue until one becomes available.