A New Executive Order

Gov. David Paterson signed an executive order this week, that requires the state to conduct a public accounting on the fiscal effects of any new measure or rule affecting property taxes in New York.

Here is the press release from the Governor’s office and here is the actual executive order.

I contacted the Lake George Park Commission to see how this potentially impacts the new stream corridor rules but have yet to receive a reply. It appears from this language that it probably applies to the LGPC’s stream corridor rule making process.

No state agency shall recommend, propose, publish or submit any legislation or regulation containing a mandate without an accounting of the impact of such mandate on local governments, which shall include the fiscal impacts of such mandate, a cost-benefit analysis, documentation of input sought and received from affected local governments, and proposed sources of revenue to fund such mandate. Prior to the formalization of any such proposal, such accounting shall be provided in writing to the Secretary to the Governor, the Counsel to the Governor, the Director of State Operations and the Director of the Division of Budget; provided, however, that if such proposal is necessary to protect against an urgent threat to public health or safety, such proposal may be formalized and advanced without such accounting only upon the approval of the Director of State Operations and the Counsel to the Governor, provided that such accounting shall be completely promptly thereafter.