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Verizon has introduced one sweet device in it’s new Verizon hub. It will work with a Verizon wireless cell phone to eliminate the need for a landline. It can also send and receive text messages, and willl have limited browser capabilities (to read the Huletts Current) and to do things like sending driving directions to your phone. The idea here is that the hub can sync to your calendar, contacts, maps, traffic and weather reports via broadband. Subscribers have to live in an E911-capable area, and will be able to bring any phone number with them if they want to sign up for new service. You can get these for around $95 after rebate with a subscription fee of $35 per month — which comes with unlimited minutes and texts to and from the device.

If you’ve already gotten one, we’d be interested to learn your thoughts? It’s designed to compete with the iPhone so it may shake out one way or the other but I was in a Verizon store recently and they were selling like crazy.