Test Out the Webcam

Jeff Klauder has been kind enough to give us access to his webcam which continually monitors the condition of Lake George in Kitchel Bay looking out towards Noble Island. This is a trial run of accessing his webcam.

1.) Because this is a test, you will need to enter:
user name: KitchelBay
password: 123456

2.) You will need to download and install the ActiveX file from Panasonic, when prompted, to see the view. (It may take a couple of seconds to have the prompt appear.)

3.) The camera’s view is located on the “Single” tab. That is the only tab you should access. When you’re done watching, please close the browser window to free up bandwidth for someone else. At night you’ll see a lot of darkness.

To access the webcam, click here. Thank you Jeff, for sharing the wonderful view and the real time conditions of the lake!