Warren County Unanimously Opposes Draft Stream Rules

At their last meeting, the Warren County Board of Supervisors, representing all the Towns of Warren County, unanimously voted to oppose the stream regulations as proposed by the Lake George Park Commission.

Mr. Belden (Hague Town Supervisor) recommended that the board members approve a resolution supporting the Towns and opposing the Lake George Park Commission’s proposed regulations of shoreline setbacks.

Motion was made by Mr. Belden, seconded by Mr. Bentley and carried unanimously to waive the rules of the board requiring a resolution be in writing. Clerk noted it would be Resolution No. 175 of 2009 for the record.

Motion was made by Mr. Belden and seconded by Mrs. Simmes opposing the proposed Lake George Park Commission Stream Corridor Regulations.

Mr. Tessier commented that these new regulations would effect six hundred parcels in Lake George and he urged the board members to support the Towns by opposing this proposal. Paul Dusek, County Attorney, requested a point of clarification. He asked if the County was opposing the regulations or supporting those Towns that had opposed the regulations. Mr. Belden replied the County should be opposed to such action of the Park Commission. Mr. Bentley advised he had a draft resolution opposing the current draft Stream Corridor Regulations proposed by the Lake George Park Commission and he presented the resolution to the Clerk of the Board. Mrs. Sady read the draft resolution into the record. … (Administrator’s Note: I have made a FOIL request for the actual resolution because it was not included in the typed minutes.)

Following discussion, the board members agreed that the aforementioned resolution, if approved, should be forwarded to the Lake George Park Commission, Governor Paterson, State Legislators and the Department of State. Mr. Belden requested a roll call vote on the resolution. Clerk added that the resolution opposing the proposed Lake George Park Commission Stream Corridor Regulations would be Resolution No. 176 of 2009 for the record and the purpose of the roll call. …

Chairman Monroe called for a vote on the resolutions.

Resolution Nos. 66 through 176 were approved.