Bits of Everything

This Deal is Pure Garbage

Here is a good article from the Post Star about the Hudson Falls trash burn plant. All of our garbage from Huletts goes to the trash burn plant. It has always operated at a deficit and Washington County has always lost money on it. When it was constructed, it was believed Washington County would make money every year on its waste disposal. However, this never happened because the state allowed other landfills to remain open and accept trash. This has resulted in increased competition for garbage from other counties. The result is that the plant doesn’t get the amount of trash that it was expected to receive and thus loses money. So instead of making money, it has been a terrible deal for Washington County. The agreement is up in 2 years.

Bolton Landing Says No to Proposed Stream Rules

The Bolton Landing Town Board has just passed a resolution against the draft proposed stream corridor rules that the Lake George Park Commission is accepting comments on. It is expected that other municipalities around the lake will be opposing them also. Common sense exemptions are no where to be found in the proposed rules. Read more about Bolton Landing’s resolution in the Albany Times Union.