Twelve Years Old

Well, here it is – another November 9th. Today is the day I celebrate the creation date or “birthday” of the Huletts Current. It has been exactly twelve years since my first post in 2008.

What a year! In national news, COVID-19 has been the major story, but the Presidential election ranks right up there also. I think, in challenging times like these, it’s more important than ever, if your state of being or mental health gets caught up in external events like these, it is helpful to have a wider religious or philosophical view that is grounded in eternal truths, e.g. Loving and serving God and your neighbor, building a better world, being a more just person. There are so many people suffering whom we may not take note of when other events preoccupy our focus.

The one comment that people of different political backgrounds and religious beliefs make consistently about Huletts is what a special place it is. That’s not to say we are perfect but, on the pendulum or scale of places to be, Huletts is a pretty darn good place to be on many levels. From those who painted circles on the beach, to the first responders who serve us all, to those who bring fresh produce over the mountain, to the workers who cleaned houses and collected garbage, to countless others who make our community better by serving and cooperating with their neighbors, I know we all say thank you for doing what you did this year. It wasn’t easy, but we moved forward.

While news this year has been harder to identify because of social distancing and staying inside, I continue to get lots of hits on the site and the ever present demand for more news is always there. Some days I can give more attention to the site than others, but I receive so many positive comments and emails that I know it is useful.

So thanks again for reading and now onto year thirteen! We’re going to make it. Live your best life right now.