Visit to Lapland Pond Includes Plethora of Species

A visit to Lapland pond starts at the Blake Mountain trail head on Pike Brook road.

When you arrive at the Blake Mountain trail head on Pike Brook road, there is actually another destination that you can hike to in addition to going up Black Mountain. That “other” hike is a shorter walk up to Lapland pond. The flora and fauna is quite beautiful and if you walk slowly and take it all in – it is a joy to behold.

The flower of Jewelweed is a natural remedy to poison ivy.

Looking something like a “Tribble” from Star Trek, light green Pincushion moss grows on the side of the trail.

White BaneBerry, is also called “Dolls Eyes,” for its distinctive appearance.

A grove of hemlock trees stands tall.

Watch out for snakes. Here a garter snake slithers along the side of the path.

A tadpole swims quietly in the water.

A beautiful walk in the woods refreshes the soul.

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