Capital Investments Continue All Around

A new house being constructed along the shoreline of Lake George in Huletts Landing.

If you go for a walk or take a boat ride around Huletts, you will see numerous new houses and continued capital investments being made in Huletts Landing by many individuals. These include improvements to docks, renovations and additions to existing homes and landscaping improvements also. It has been a very busy year for contractors working in Huletts.

Economic development as always been seen as the primary strategy for improving social well-being. Those who have invested their resources and energy into improving the “Landing” should be commended. Because of this, Huletts is a dynamic place which attracts people from all over the country and world.

Another new house, as seen from the lake, being constructed in Huletts Landing.

Individuals who invest in the community, improve the quality of life for themselves, their families and everyone who lives here. The vibrant nature of Huletts is expressed by people who want to spend their time and invest their resources here. It also helps attract people who value the surroundings and hopefully will work to keep the community the special place it is.

This trend will most likely continue as a number of people have made me aware that they are in different stages of planing improvements or redesigns of their properties in Huletts. So stay alert on the morning walks and local boat rides, the year to come may be even busier!