With all the trouble going on in the world, I thought a post reflecting on all the good things happening in Huletts would be appreciated. To begin, there is no doubt in my mind, that our nation and society will get through COVID-19’s visit.
To begin, the weather is getting warmer and the days are getting longer, meaning the ice on Lake George is getting thin. Water is beginning to be seen in shallow areas along the shore. I would highly caution that no one venture onto the ice at this time.
The ice is getting thin and cracks are appearing on the lake.
There are many contractors and projects going on in Huletts right now. Houses are being constructed, docks are being worked on, and assorted landscaping projects are all underway. New furniture is arriving and life is returning for another season. The number of people investing in Huletts is a fantastic sign.
I have spoken to individuals who are either moving into the community for the first time or who have purchased additional homes in Huletts. We’ve also seen incredible demand for rental units. We got calls this week wanting to know when the Soda Fountain and Golf Course would open. (Those are a little farther away.) I’m also happy to report that there will be more marriages taking place in Huletts in 2020.
While I can’t share everything I am aware of, good things are happening and more are in ‘the works’ for this upcoming season. I’m looking forward to seeing what Spring brings and so should you. I believe a great season with many blessings is ahead for all.