Huletts Landing Volunteer Fire Company Open House a Huge Success

On Saturday, July 27th the Huletts Landing Volunteer Fire Company opened its doors to the community with an afternoon of activities, demonstrations, give-aways and ice cream!

“STOP THE BLEED”, a New York State Campaign that educates and informs the public to learn the importance of early intervention of injury was the theme of the open house this past Saturday. The event began with a poster contest for children, ages 8-18. Three judges chose three winners, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place, who were awarded gifts for the creativity of their posters. All participants in the poster contest were given notebooks for school.

Children received fire hats, stickers, tattoos, and pencil kits to take home. Every 15 minutes there was a drawing for adults and the winner was given a “STOP THE BLEED” kit (a $60.00 value) which included training and instruction on its use.

Throughout the Open House fire fighters and first responders demonstrated use of fire extinguishers and fire hoses. All three fire engines were out for children to climb aboard and explore. Children were delighted to try on real ‘turnout gear’ used by real fire fighters. Brochures and educational materials were provided on home fire safety.

Children and adults alike enjoyed 140 ice cream sandwiches…….an event favorite!

The Huletts Landing Volunteer Fire Company would like to take this opportunity to thank the community for its support and interest in this event and throughout the year.