He Gets a Commission

One of our guests passed along this cute story about her young son. We share it here with you for the holidays.

After returning from their vacation in Huletts, her son started first grade. As one of his first assignments, he had to create a web-page about the things he had done that summer. This may be hard to believe that first graders are creating web pages, but the mother tells us it happened just like this.

Well he worked for a couple of weeks and diligently built his webpage. It was a montage of all the things he had done in Huletts, illustrated by pictures his family took. There were shots of him playing on the beach, him riding his bicycle, going to the soda fountain, etc. I’m sure you get the idea.

Well it comes time to present his website to his class and he pulls it up on his monitor with all his first grade classmates gathered around. On seeing all the things he had done in Huletts and what joy he had, his classmates were completely incredulous that there was a place where a first grader could have so much fun. Two asked simultaneously; “is that a real place?” To which he replied; “Of course, it’s a real place, it’s Huletts Landing and that’s where I go on vacation!” He then proceeded to pull up our website and show them how they could make a reservation. His mother said every child in the class said they were going to tell their parents.

Now how’s that for word of mouth advertising!