Email to the Editor

Thank you to the Huletts residents for making the annual Women’s Guild ‘Wine In the Park’ fundraiser on July 20th a huge success!

The ‘Evening in Paris’ theme was a fun way to gather the community together with food, fun, and fellowship.

Almost 100 people attended the event, and over $1,300.00 was raised for outreach in our local community. Throughout the year, these funds go toward the support of families in need of food, clothing, furniture, and fuel oil. What a wonderful way to give back to our beautiful community!

Thank you to all who volunteered their time to help set up, serve and clean up! The beautiful decorations were provided by Ronnie Haring, Cathy Leghorn, and Robin DeLucia. Millie Gorman and Toni Richards provided beautiful flower arrangements. This event is truly a group effort!

We hope that you can join us again next year!

Thank you to all,
Pam Hansen