Stanley R. Barber: R.I.P. December 19, 1917 – November 06, 2017

I was sorry to learn of the death of Stanley Barber this past week, 44 days shy of his 100th birthday. Stanley was born Dec. 19, 1917 in Dresden, N.Y., he was the last surviving child of the late Royden and Eunice Barber.

Royden Barber, was instrumental in selling the first Hulett hotel to William H. Wyatt. (Which is detailed in my book: The Hulett Hotel Fire on Lake George.) Stanley’s Aunt and Royden’s sister, Cora Barber, was married to Henry Buckell. The Buckell’s owned and operated the original Hulett hotel.

I interviewed Stanley in 2012 about growing up in Dresden in the early 1900’s. His thoughts on aging and never giving up are worth re-reading in his interview with me.

I learned much about the history of Huletts Landing and Dresden from Stanley Barber and found him to be a delightful and engaging fellow. He will be missed by those who knew him.

Stanley’s obituary can be read here.