Palm Sunday 2017

Entry into Jerusalem
Pieter Coecke van Aelst
circa 1530 and 1535
From the collection of Bonnefantenmuseum

“In the foreground, several figures are cheering Christ on his entry into Jerusalem on a donkey. The Mount of Olives, where Jesus and his disciples have come from, can be seen in the distance. The painting gives a very lively impression. The movement in the composition, along with the abundance of human figures and the bright, fresh colours, creates an exuberant whole. A striking element of this painting is the unusual contortions of the figures. The architecture of the city wall works like a sort of stage set for the scene in the foreground. The bright colours are characteristic of the wings of a large retable, as the pictures had to be seen and understood from a great distance by people who were mostly illiterate.”