Pictures from the 2016 HLVFC Christmas Party

The Huletts firehouse as it looked on the evening of December 3, 2016.

The holiday spirit was very much alive and well at the Huletts Firehouse on Saturday, December 3rd as the Huletts Landing Volunteer Fire Company hosted their 2016 Christmas party.

The setting was once again a wash with fully decorated trees, garlands of colorful twinkling lighting, traditional Christmas wreaths and a background of holiday music that even ” Santa” would be beaming with pride.

The event was well attended by many of the volunteer firefighters, their families and friends as well as residents of the community who were also invited. All of that, plus a wholesome buffet of food, beverages and desserts made for an outstanding evening of camaraderie and fun, confirming that a good time was had by all.

Major thanks to Fire Chief, Jay Vander Plaat, Fire Company President, John DeLucia and the tireless efforts of their planning and decorating support team that made it all possible. Here are some photos taken that evening. (Many thanks to Dave Richards for the pictures.)