Survival Skills Theme for LGLC’s 2nd Annual Kids’ Scavenger Hunt and Hike

Group of youth and parents enjoy the view at the top of the Pinnacle during the LGLC’s Scavenger Hunt and Hike event.

The Lake George Land Conservancy (LGLC) hosted its 2nd annual scavenger hunt and hike for kids on Tuesday, July 26. Designed by 15-year-old Jahnavi Bhavsar of Huletts Landing, this year’s hike focused on wilderness survival skills.

Starting with a brief lesson in map reading led by volunteer Todd Earl, the group of 23 youth and a parents were divided into teams before heading for the trail at The Pinnacle Preserve in Bolton Landing. The Pinnacle, which is owned by the Town of Bolton and managed by the LGLC, was protected through a unique partnership between the LGLC, the Town of Bolton, and the Fund for Lake George in 2015.

The teams encountered trivia questions along the trail that tested their knowledge in hiking safety and wilderness survival. Lunch at the summit concluded with an additional challenge of finding a list of edible and poisonous plants in the woods and along the trail on their descent. Prizes were awarded and everyone cooled off with some ice cream from Ben and Jerry’s, where they all were able to look up at the Pinnacle peak from the front porch.

Bhavsar has big plans for 2017, including a shelter building challenge and animal tracking at the LGLC’s Amy’s Park. The date for this free event is to be determined, but those interested may contact Helen Barton Benedict at or check for updates