Now for Some History: January 1911

Horses Drown in Lake George Waters
Geo. Potter of Bolton Takes Plunge with Team – Barely Escapes Death

On Monday afternoon, George Potter, a teamster of Bolton, had a very narrow escape from drowning, when the sleigh which he was driving broke through the ice and sank to the bottom, carrying the team with it.

Potter was drawing cement from Bolton to Three Brothers’ Island, the summer home of Mrs. Spencer Trask, and had about a 5,000 pound load on his sleigh. At the point where the accident occurred the ice was only six inches thick and this was not enough to support the sleigh.

The heavy load caused the sleigh to sink like lead and this pulled the horses down. They made frantic efforts to save themselves, but to no avail, for they soon sank out of sight.

Mr. Potter was also precipitated into the water, but quickly recovered himself and was on the ice. He turned to help the horses, but they had gone down in the meantime and being hitched to the heavily laden sleigh, never rose to the surface.

Outside of his icy dip, Mr. Potter is none the worse for his experience. The team was valued at about $300.

Glens Falls Star
January 19, 1911