Email to the Editor

The Burns’ note (in your Seven Years Old Birthday post) about their DelNoce days reminded me of my days working for your grandfather, George H. Eichler, during the summers of 1962 and 1963 as a waiter including an additional two years as headwaiter and then my final year, the summer of 1966 (the year I graduated from Princeton University), as a bartender. We also lived in DelNoce during the summers of 1970 and 1971 when I ran the Casino and soda fountain for GHE.

One of those 60’s summers was indeed the summer that “The Mohican” ran aground and settled in “Bosom Bay” as its passengers got out and set up a party place at the old “Big Boat Dock” area, with sodas thanks to GHE.

He, who by the way, wore an all white suit which I had never seen before nor did I ever see again; worn ironically the night of the “Mohican landing” when the steamship’s buses from Schenectady didn’t make it over the mountain, thus necessitating the “Dads’ caravan” to transport the Mohican’s beached occupants over the mountain and down to the buses, at the bottom of County Route #6, on Route #22.

Jim Mettler
Huletts Landing